Nederlands Level 1 (A1-)

Tired of not understanding your colleagues? Want to start integrating in the Netherlands or just make some Dutch friends? It's time to kickstart your Dutch!
Write your awesome label here.

Starts on the 28th of May.

How does it work?

Personal Guidance

  • Personal feedback on assignments
  • Reach your teacher outside class hours

12h of group classes

  • 6 group classes of 2 hours
  • Mostly speaking
  • Interactive and engaging, you won't get distracted

1 private session

  • Focus on things you struggle with
  • In-depth feedback

Self-study modules

  • Clear explanations
  • Interactive and fun assignments
  • Well-structured and professional

Dates, Duration & Price

The course starts on the 5th of September.

The course consists of:
  • 6x group classes on Thursdays nights from 19:30 to 21:30 CET.
  • 1x 30min private sessions.
  • 5 detailed and interactive self-study modules.

  1. September 5
  2. September 12
  3. September 19
  4. September 26
  5. October 3
  6. October 10

Online Course

Starting date

5th of September


6 weeks

Group classes

Thursdays 19:30 - 21:30


Small groups of max. 6 people


€289 all incl.

What are we going to learn?

In Nederlands Level 1 we're going to start from the basics and build a strong vocabulary and grammar knowledge for you to be able to speak and understand Dutch in basic daily conversations.

How to learn Dutch?

We're going to build a strong base by learning how to actually learn the Dutch language in an effective way.

Dutch in a café

We're going to learn everything you need to know when going for a few drinks, or for a coffee with some friends.

Introducing yourself in Dutch

We learn how to introduce yourself in Dutch in both a brief and detailed way, with all the grammar needed.

Making appointments the Dutch way

Appointments are a necessary thing for us Dutch people. We're going to look at how to formulate suggestions and make appointments in a grammatically-correct way.

Talking about family and relationships

We will learn how to talk about family and relationships, and formulate questions.

Grocery shopping in Dutch

We're going to learn to name products in Dutch, have conversations at the market, and ask for help in a supermarket.